
Grunt connect livereload example
Grunt connect livereload example

Please see the examples for the app and Grunt configuration. travis.yml AUTHORS CHANGELOG CONTRIBUTING.md Gruntfile.js LICENSE-MIT README.md package.json README. html: function ( str ) ], // port where the script is loaded port: 35729, // location where the script is provided (not by connect-livereload). main 1 branch 2 tags 46 commits Failed to load latest commit information. The readme seems to skip over everything that I need explained, and then ends with an example that doesn't work when I try it and doesn't seem directly related to the documentation. connect-livereload itself does not serve the livereload.js script. 51 I'm trying to use grunt-contrib-livereload, but can't seem to figure it out. When you run grunt watch, a LiveReload server will be started on ports 35729 within the.

grunt connect livereload example grunt connect livereload example

starts with pattern: /^./ ends with pattern: /.$/ ignore:, // include all urls by default include:, // this function is used to determine if the content of `res.write` or `res.end` is html. this middleware can be used with a LiveReload server e.g. This setup will also be used to persist changes to your compiled CSS. strings: included/ignored when the url contains this string // regex: any expression: e.g.

grunt connect livereload example

`ignore` and `include`: array with strings and regex expressions elements.

Grunt connect livereload example